Sonia L. Alleyne 是新成立的萨福克县社区基金会的总裁兼首席执行官。她是波士顿青年建设委员会的主席、罗克斯伯里的 Yawkey Boys & Girls 俱乐部的顾问委员会成员、英联邦研讨会的顾问委员会成员以及多切斯特贸易委员会的董事会成员。她在Greater Love Community Cares 董事会任职,并且是新英格兰黑人慈善组织的成员。
Joel Barrera 是州长 Charlie Baker 领导团队的成员。他目前担任州长内阁关系副参谋长。乔尔是英联邦研讨会的创始人,担任其执行董事,直到 2015 年底,他留下了十年的遗产,为整整一代不同的领导人打开州议会的大门。
Joel 还在 2008 年至 2015 年期间担任大都会区规划委员会副主任。在那段时间里,他在该机构的所有成就中发挥了重要作用,包括 MAPC 的战略规划过程、该机构向公共卫生和清洁能源等新领域的扩张,以及扩大对城镇的技术援助。
Joel 还在 MetroMayor's Coalition 任职多年,并将其发展成为一个重要的论坛和城市核心城镇的有力倡导者。此外,Joel 设想了在 Metro West 的 MWRA 渡槽沿线开辟数英里小径供公众娱乐使用的计划,他成功地倡导实现这一目标。
他以前的经验包括担任 MA 参议院后审计和监督委员会主任六年,他专注于使州政府更加负责和响应迅速。
Mealea Chan-Polcari
Mealea Chan-Polcari 在公共、非营利和私营部门的各个行业拥有超过 25 年的专业经验。她的经历包括为难民和移民提供公共政策和资助、在马萨诸塞湾联合之路的慈善和赠款工作、房地产、住宅贷款和创业。
2017年,她转向了一条全新的职业道路。她成为了天使投资人,投资了一家女性拥有的房地产公司。 2019年,她成立了Invested, Vested。 Mealea Chan-Polcari 是 Invested, Vested 的创始人兼首席执行官,该公司是一家少数族裔和女性拥有的咨询和辅导公司。 已投资,Vested 投资于世界上最有价值的资产——人力资本。 他们的核心信念是,当你投资自己,你就会在生活中取得成功。
Grace (Seme) Keeney 热衷于参与和帮助他人。白天,她在 Sun Life 从事战略工作,帮助该组织实现其目标,但到了晚上,你可以在 United Way 找到她,共同主持 United Way 的新兴领袖委员会,在当地的非营利组织做志愿者,或者参与她当地的活动。 Natick 社区,在那里她被选为镇会议员。
Cheryl McCloud 是 The 的通信和社区参与经理我们所有人 研究计划的新英格兰联盟。
作为董事会成员,她分享了她在小企业、公司、非营利组织、医疗保健和政府部门从事通信、公共关系和营销工作的经验。 Cheryl 过去特别专注于在仅推荐的基础上为初创企业提供精选的无偿咨询服务,她担任“企业传播礼宾员”,帮助初创企业处理从营销和新业务开发到业务基础设施和人力资源需求的方方面面。
Natalie Ornell 是波士顿的一名有执照的英语教师、记者、前筹款人和移民社区倡导者。她作为一名大学生开始了她在波士顿唐人街的 Sampan 报纸的写作生涯,后来她花了几年时间在非营利组织 AACA 筹集数百万美元的规划与发展资金,该组织帮助来自 100 多个国家的移民。
她的故事还发表在香港的《南华早报》、加州大学伯克利分校的《中国数字时代》、《昆西爱国者分类帐》、美联社、WGBH 播出的 LinkAsia 节目博客和 WCVB 等。从 2018-19 年起,她率先成功通过了一项马萨诸塞州法律,通过运用她从英联邦研讨会中获得的知识,永久承认所有 MBTA 巴士上的罗莎帕克斯。在地方和全国范围内组织联盟,她领导了一场为期 15 个月的竞选活动,以支持她向州参议员提出的法案。
Audrey H. Paek 是 Visionary Steps Charitable Foundation (VSCF) 的联合创始人,该基金会是一家为业余舞厅选手提供奖学金并支持学校舞蹈教育项目的非营利组织。她在多个部门的非营利组织管理、活动制作、招聘和社区外展方面拥有 20 多年的经验。
Winston Pierre 是多个顾问委员会的成员,包括英联邦研讨会、ERG 领导联盟。他还共同主持了马萨诸塞州公共卫生部——健康和残疾伙伴关系。
他最近在波士顿大学完成了城市规划硕士学位。温斯顿毕业于马萨诸塞大学波士顿分校,获得政治学学士学位,辅修心理学。他于 2018 年完成了 Partnership Inc. 助理计划,这是一个为期一年的领导力发展论坛,由多元化和社会情商领域的一些领先专家教授。
Amy Qiu 是 2018 年秋季英联邦研讨会班的成员。她在缅因州农村长大,是米切尔研究所的学者。 Amy 在布兰代斯大学获得经济学和金融学本科和研究生学位。
Charlotte Golar Richie,一位经验丰富的领导者和行政人员,具有公共服务和政治活动背景,对公民权利有着坚定的承诺,并且是英联邦研讨会的创始顾问委员会成员。
目前,夏洛特是麻省大学波士顿分校女性政治与公共政策中心的杰出公共服务研究员。在获得此奖学金之前,夏洛特曾担任州立法者、社区发展主任和马萨诸塞州反歧视委员会专员,在那里她成功处理了数百起歧视投诉。 作为高级副总裁对于 YouthBuild USA 的公共政策、宣传和政府关系,夏洛特监督了一项全国性的运动,以保护联邦资助 250 多个将年轻人与工作和教育联系起来的项目。
Marcia 是美国风险投资领域的约 32 名拉丁裔之一。在 Village Capital,Marcia 领导 Village Capital 在美国的金融科技和金融健康业务。在过去的一年里,Marcia 帮助完成了八项投资,支持了 50 多名创始人,并分析了美国和拉丁美洲的 500 多家金融科技、教育科技、农业科技企业。在加入 Village Capital 之前,Marcia 是 Third Sector Capital Partners 团队的早期成员,在那里她开发了美国第一个成功支付/社会影响债券
Ian So 毕业于马萨诸塞州波士顿的顶级全球创业学校巴布森学院,获得多元化领导奖学金。 Ian 在多家初创公司工作,获得了企业界的经验。 2012 年,他渴望将自己的创业研究应用到现实生活中,他在 eBay 上以 19,000 美元的价格购买了一辆食品卡车,并创办了他的食品公司 Chicken & Rice Guys。
Sonia L. Alleyne
Sonia L. Alleyne is the President & CEO of the newly created Suffolk County Community Foundation. She is the President of the Board of Youth Build Boston, an Advisory Board Member of the Yawkey Boys & Girls Club in Roxbury, Advisory Board Member of The Commonwealth Seminar, and a Board Member of the Dorchester Board of Trade. She serves on the board of Greater Love Community Cares, and she is a member of the New England Blacks in Philanthropy.
Joel Barrera
Seminar Founder; Chair, Board of Advisors
Joel Barrera is a member of Governor Charlie Baker’s leadership team. He currently serves as the Governor’s Deputy Chief of Staff for Cabinet Relations. Joel was the Founder of the Commonwealth Seminar serving as its Executive Director until late 2015 where he left a ten year legacy of opening the doors of the State House to a whole generation of diverse leaders.
Joel also served as Deputy Director for the Metropolitan Area Planning Council from 2008 until 2015. He was instrumental in all of the agency’s accomplishments during that time including MAPC’s strategic planning process, the agency’s expansion into new fields such as public health and clean energy, and the expansion of its technical assistance to cities & towns.
Joel also staffed the MetroMayor’s Coalition for many years and saw its development into a vital forum and strong advocate for the cities and towns in the urban core. In addition, Joel conceived of the plan to open miles of trails along MWRA aqueducts in Metro West for recreational use by the public, and he successfully advocated to make it happen.
His previous experience includes six years as the Director of the MA Senate Post Audit & Oversight Committee where he focused on making State Government more accountable and responsive.
After graduating from Princeton University and Oxford University (Worcester College), Joel worked as a community organizer along the Texas/Mexico border, working to bring public infrastructure to underserved areas.
Mealea Chan-Polcari
Mealea Chan-Polcari has more than twenty-five years of professional experience across industries in the public, non-profit, and private sectors. Her experiences include public policy and funding for refugees and immigrants, philanthropic and grantmaking work at the United Way of Massachusetts Bay, real estate, residential lending, and entrepreneurship.
In 2017, she pivoted to a completely new career path. She became an angel investor, investing in a woman-owned real estate company. In 2019, She established Invested, Vested. Mealea Chan-Polcari is the Founder, CEO of Invested, Vested, a minority and woman-owned consulting and coaching company. Invested, Vested invests in the most valuable assets in the world – human capital. Their core belief is that when you invest in yourself, you will be successful in life.
Huiming Guo
Huiming Guo entered into the Financial Advisory profession after spending most of his career in the medical research field. After graduating from Shanghai Medical University, Huiming relocated to the United States where he graduated with his Ph.D. in Biophysics from the Hawaii Cancer Research Center. This is where he also started his twenty year span of cancer research and prevention. He continued his work at Tufts University School of Medicine and Tufts-New England Medical Center studying early diagnosis of breast cancers and heart diseases in women.
Grace (Seme) Keeney
Grace (Seme) Keeney has a passion for getting involved and helping people. By day she works in strategy at Sun Life helping the organization achieve its' goals, but by night, you can find her at United Way, co-chairing United Way’s Emerging Leader's Board, volunteering with a local nonprofit, or getting involved in her local community of Natick, where she was elected as a Town Meeting Member.
Cheryl McCloud
Cheryl McCloud is Communications and Community Engagement Manager for The All of Us Research Program's New England Consortium.
As a Board member, she shares her experience leveraging a career working in Communications, Public Relations, and Marketing for small businesses, corporations, not-for-profits, healthcare, and government. With a special past focus on selected pro bono consulting with start-ups on a referral-only basis, Cheryl acted as a “Corporate Communications Concierge” helping startups with everything from marketing and new business development to business infrastructure and HR needs.
Natalie Ornell
Natalie Ornell is a licensed English teacher in Boston, journalist, former fundraiser and advocate for immigrant communities. She began her career writing for the Sampan Newspaper in Boston's Chinatown as a college student where she later spent several years raising millions of dollars in Planning & Development at a nonprofit, the AACA, which helps immigrants from over 100 countries.
Her stories have also been published in the South China Morning Post in Hong Kong, the China Digital Times out of UC Berkeley, the Quincy Patriot Ledger, the Associated Press, the WGBH-aired LinkAsia show blog and on WCVB among others. From 2018-19, she spearheaded the successful passage of a Massachusetts state law to permanently recognize Rosa Parks on all MBTA buses by applying the knowledge she gained from the Commonwealth Seminar. Organizing coalitions locally and nationally, she led a 15-month campaign in support of the bill she proposed to her state senator.
Audrey H. Paek
Audrey H. Paek is Co-Founder of Visionary Steps Charitable Foundation (VSCF), a nonprofit that provides scholarship funds to amateur ballroom competitors and support for school-based, dance education programs. She brings over 20 years of experience in nonprofit management, event production, recruitment, and community outreach, across multiple sectors.
Winston Pierre
Winston Pierre sits on several advisory boards, including the Commonwealth Seminar, ERG Leadership Alliance. He also co-chairs the Massachusetts Department of Public Health — Health and Disability Partnership.
He has recently completed a Master’s Degree in City Planning at Boston University. Winston graduated from the University of Massachusetts Boston with a B.A. in Political Science and a minor in Psychology. He completed the Partnership Inc. associate program in 2018, a year-long leadership development forum taught by some of the leading experts in the field of diversity and social-emotional intelligence.
Amy Qiu
Amy Qiu was a member of the Fall 2018 Commonwealth Seminar class. She grew up in rural Maine and was a Mitchell Institute scholar. Amy earned her undergraduate and graduate degrees in Economics and Finance from Brandeis University.
She enjoys volunteering her time and has served on the board of the Portland chapter of the New Leaders Council and on the executive team of the Boston chapter of the National Association of Asian American Professionals. She currently lives and works in Boston and is a certified trust and financial advisor.
Charlotte Golar Richie
Charlotte Golar Richie, an experienced leader and administrator with a background in public service and political activism, and a deeply held commitment to civil rights and is a founding advisory board member of the Commonwealth Seminar.
Currently, Charlotte is a Distinguished Public Service Fellow at UMass Boston’s Center for Women in Politics & Public Policy. Prior to this fellowship, Charlotte served as a state legislator, a neighborhood development director, and as a Commissioner for the Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination where she successfully handled hundreds of discrimination complaints. As a Senior Vice President for Public Policy, Advocacy & Government Relations for YouthBuild USA, Charlotte oversaw a national campaign to protect federal funding for over 250 programs that connect young people to jobs and education.
Jessica (Jay) Wong (黃慧美)
Jessica (Jay) Wong (黃慧美) is a second generation bi-racial/Chinese American. Jessica serves as a Program Officer for the Mass Cultural Council and Community Engagement Coordinator for the Asian Task Force Against Domestic Violence (ATASK). Her decade-long career has been largely dedicated to advocating for communities of color, promoting the importance of civic engagement, and providing safe spaces and opportunities for Asian American women.
Jessica previously served as the Program Director/Interim-Executive Director of the Massachusetts Asian American and Pacific Islander Commission, where she organized advocacy efforts, programs, and public events to raise awareness surrounding anti-Asian racism, amplify API voices/stories, and strengthen young API leaders.
Recently, Jessica earned her Masters in Public Administration and Asian American Studies from UMass Boston and a Bachelors in Political Science from UMass Amherst. In her free time, she is in the planning stages of developing a curriculum on Mixed Race Asian Americans.
Ian So
Ian So graduated from Babson College, a top global entrepreneurship school in Boston, MA, with a Diversity Leadership Scholarship. Ian gained experience in the corporate world working at several startups. In 2012, eager to apply his entrepreneurial studies to real life, he bought a food truck on eBay for $19,000 and launched his food business, Chicken & Rice Guys.